But, I will not be defeated! (Or de-feeted... I love shoes. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.)
Recently, the hubs and I ventured out for my first one day show in a long time, setting up outside at Sly Clyde Ciderworks. While my sales might not have been spectacular, the feedback from the visitors and other artists was great. We took the opportunity to start a list for our newsletter, the second of which will be coming out this Friday. (Are you signed up? Why not? Sign up now!).
We also discovered that Alan LOVES events like these. He's a born salesman. Or at least, he's an extrovert and I'm not. It was nice to have him there, especially when my body decided that it didn't like the heat. But we survived, got some contacts, and it spurred me on to apply for more shows. I've been notified for a few and waiting to hear back and others.
So things on the arts front are good while everything at home is a little chaotic. But isn't that par for the course? I'm blessed with a great partner, family, and bestie who can calm me from 700 miles away.
Upcoming shows:
- "Surf and Sounds of Summer" - an exhibit of artists' works that concentrates on summer's finest! July 21-August 27, 2022 at Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts' Galleries
- "47th Annual Newport News Fall Festival" - October 1 & 2 in Newport News Park
Please consider signing up for the newsletter to keep up to date on where myself and my work (and sometimes Alan) will be! You can sign up by going to my home page and scrolling down until you see "Subscribe to our newsletter." We send out newsletters on the 15th and last day of the month!
See you soon!